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Become a Sponsor

By becoming a sponsor of the Kernersville Museum you are helping us preserve the history of our community as well as allowing us continue to offer free admission to general public. The gift of your sponsorship shows support for the Kernersville Museum and its mission to preserve the history of Kernersville and share the stories that make our town unique. Please join the Kernersville Museum in creating a place for our community to preserve our history and share our story with our community. Your sponsorship includes access to the latest news for the museum, our monthly newsletter, and voting privileges that are exclusive to sponsors only. 

Individual Sponsorship

Become a sponsor of the Kernersville Museum. Annual donations of $50 entitle you to receive the Kernersville Museum newsletter, updates about upcoming exhibits, and voting privileges that are exclusive to sponsors of the Museum. 

Friend of the Museum

Friends of the Museum entitle you to receive all the benefits of membership as well as recognition in our monthly newsletter.

Supporter of the Museum

Supporters of the Museum allows you to receive all the benefits of membership as well as recognition in our monthly newsletter and on our website.

Partner in Preservation

Partners in Preservation have all the benefits of membership, as well as recognition in our monthly newsletter, website and Donor Wall in the Museum.

Not Interested in Sponsorship?

If you aren't interested in a sponsorship, but you would still like to donate to The Museum, please click the link below. Keeping The Museum free for everyone is our ultimate goal. Any contribution helps us continue to offer free exhibits to the public. Also, please remember, the Kernersville Museum is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. 

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Thank You to our 

Individual Partners in Preservation

  • Tymon Taylor

  • Jeff & Sarah Taylor

  • Danny Caudill

  • Joe and Kay Pinnix

  • Rick and Beth Pierce

  • John and Bobbie Wolfe

  • Karl Yena

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